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In order to ensure that Promise Foundation is delivering for young people, we monitor progress through a number of mediums

Progress Report

A Progress Report is completed by teachers each term, and highlights any progress that a student may be making in a number of subject areas. The report evaluates overall progress in a subject, work ethic, homework completion, attendance levels and punctuality. Promise Foundation compares the progress report of a pupil over the three school terms in order to effectively assess progress.

Targets agreed by mentee and mentor at the beginning of the mentoring relationship

At the beginning of the mentoring relationship, a mentee (alongside their mentor) identifies three targets that they would like to achieve by the end of the academic year. This enables the mentee to retain ownership of the mentoring process – directing the outcome by setting realistic goals to be achieved. This, in turn, helps the young person to realise what they are very capable of achieving.

Focus Group Sessions

Promise Foundation coordinates and leads focus groups for mentors and mentees in separate capacities each term. These provide stakeholders with the opportunity to reflect, openly, as a group on how the programme is going and to discuss anything that can be done or put in place to improve their experience.

End of Year Evaluation Questionnaire

This serves to compliment evidence from the Progress Report and mentee led targets and provide an overview of the entire mentoring process. Both mentor and mentee are encouraged to complete the questionnaire.

Qualitative meeting reports written by mentors

These provide substantial additional insights. The qualitative meeting notes consist of short meeting reports produced by the mentor at the end of each school term that are then emailed to the coordinator. They are brief one- page documents that have yielded a wealth of insight. They have also, in the past, highlighted any areas where the mentors themselves may need support.

I want to be a footballer. My mentor, Paul, is a sports coach which is perfect for me. But at the same time, Paul has also motivated me to focus in class and pay more attention. I’ve always been more sporty than academic, but he’s helped me see that studying is important too.

Javarn, 14Mentee

This is a good project that is providing good work for the children and young people in Brent...the project is child-focussed and the organisation has good monitoring and evaluation tools.

BBC Children in Need

I want to carry on seeing Maya for as long as possible. She said she’s going to help me with a revision timetable before my exams, and I think this is really going to be good for me...So far I’ve completed all the targets that she’s set me with my maths homework and this has made a big difference to how I’m doing in class.

Chiara, 14Mentee

Promise Foundation was born from, and inspired by a mentoring relationship, that has transformed the lives of mentee and mentor. Since its inception, Promise Foundation has gone on to have direct impact on the lives of the young people we work with.

“Being part of Promise Foundation has transformed my life. My mentor has given me the stability that my parents couldn’t. I now have the opportunity to pursue my dreams and become a midwife.”

AbigailAbigail grew up in care

Something else that came out of this experience was a day at The House of Commons. I was speaking at the Promise Foundation’s end of year event, and another of the mentors, Tulip Siddiq, who is an MP, heard me and invited me to shadow her for a day at work. It was a brilliant experience

CharlesCharles was orphaned at a very young age and now lives with his sisters in Queen’s Park

Being mentored has created a desire in me to mentor someone myself, because I can see what a difference it makes. After college I want to study criminology at University. I’m ambitious now, but that’s quite a recent thing, I have to say. Being mentored has helped to push me forward, to believe in myself and see that so many things that seemed almost impossible are, actually, quite achievable.

LylasWhen Lylas first began her mentoring relationship, her mentor Kristina struggled to encourage her to turn up